Septem Mylos Beer Bottle 500Ml
5,00 €
Septem Mylos Beer 500ml is a refreshing Greek lager with fruity notes, crisp malt flavors, and a smooth finish. Perfect with meals or on its own.
Septem Mylos Beer Bottle 500ml is a premium Greek lager. Brewed by Septem Microbrewery, it offers a blend of roasted barley and wheat malts. The beer uses hops like Sabro, Bobek, and Hallertau Melon, giving it a refreshing, fruity taste. You’ll notice citrus, honey, and malt flavors in every sip.
The beer has a brilliant golden-yellow hue. Its crisp texture and balanced flavors make it the perfect choice for those who love well-crafted beers. With a 4.6% ABV, this beer is light yet satisfying. Furthermore, it has a distinctive aroma that enhances the drinking experience.
Septem Mylos Beer Bottle 500ml is great for pairing with various dishes. It goes well with white meats, salads, and light desserts. Alternatively, you can enjoy it on its own for a refreshing break.
- Authentic Greek Craft Beer: Brewed in Greece, Septem Mylos Beer Bottle 500ml offers an authentic experience.
- Balanced Flavor: The beer combines citrus, honey, and malt flavors, providing a refreshing taste.
- Versatile Pairing: Enjoy it with white meats, salads, or light desserts to elevate your meal.
- Gluten-Free: Ideal for those with gluten sensitivities, allowing more people to enjoy this beer.
- Long Shelf Life: High-quality ingredients help the beer retain its freshness for longer.
Weight | 0,8 kg |