Samos Vin Doux 750Ml


Samos Vin Doux 750ml is a premium Greek sweet white wine made from Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains, offering rich flavors and aging potential.



Samos Vin Doux 750ml is a sweet white wine from the island of Samos in Greece. Crafted by the Samos Cooperative Winery (E.O.S. Samos), this wine uses Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains grapes, known for their aromatic intensity and rich flavors.

The winemaking process preserves the natural sweetness of the grapes. The wine has a light golden color and offers aromas of apricot jam and ripe melon. On the palate, it blends summer fruits into a refreshing and indulgent experience.


  • Aromatic Complexity: This wine presents vibrant aromas of apricot jam and ripe melon. Subtle floral notes further enhance the sensory experience.
  • Balanced Acidity: It has a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, delivering a refreshing mouthfeel.
  • Aging Potential: The wine develops enhanced flavors and complexity over time, making it ideal for aging.
  • Versatile Pairing: Samos Vin Doux pairs excellently with dishes like ripe melons, fruit tarts, and artisanal cheeses, offering versatility for various meals.
Additional information
Weight 1,2 kg
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