Retsina Allotino 500ml
4,90 €
Retsina Allotino 500ml is a premium white wine from the Nemea Valley, offering authentic Greek flavors with every sip.
Retsina Allotino 500ml is a premium white Retsina wine produced in the exceptional Nemea Valley, renowned for its rich winemaking tradition. Crafted from the Savvatiano grape variety, this Retsina offers a harmonious blend of traditional pine resin flavors with the crispness of white wine. Its delicate aroma and balanced taste make it a delightful choice for those seeking an authentic Greek wine experience.
- Authentic Greek Flavor: Made from the Savvatiano grape variety in the Nemea Valley, this Retsina embodies the essence of Greek winemaking.
- Versatile Pairing: Pairs excellently with traditional Greek dishes such as grilled meats, seafood, and fresh salads.
- Cultural Experience: Enjoy a taste of Greece’s rich heritage with every sip of this classic Retsina.
- Premium Quality: Produced by Allotino, a winery known for its commitment to quality and tradition.
- Generous Quantity: The 500ml bottle is perfect for personal enjoyment or sharing with friends.
Additional information
Weight | 0,8 kg |