Malamatina Retsina 500ml



Malamatina Retsina 500ml is a traditional Greek white wine, cherished for its unique flavor that comes from the addition of pine resin during fermentation. Made from two iconic Greek grape varieties, Savatiano and Roditis, this wine balances fruity aromas with the characteristic resinous notes. The light citrus flavors, combined with the subtle pine scent, create a refreshing wine that has been enjoyed in Greece for over a century.

Ideal for pairing with Mediterranean dishes, Malamatina Retsina complements grilled meats, fried fish, and traditional Greek mezes such as tzatziki or olives. Its smooth, easy-to-drink nature makes it a favorite among both locals and international wine lovers. Best served chilled, it is perfect for sharing with friends and family during any occasion.


  • Made from Greek Savatiano and Roditis grapes
  • Infused with pine resin for a unique taste
  • Ideal with Mediterranean appetizers and seafood
  • Light and refreshing, best served chilled
Additional information
Weight 0,8 kg
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