Kechribari Retsina 500ml
6,90 €
Kechribari Retsina 500ml is a renowned Greek wine crafted from 100% Roditis grapes, blended with the distinct flavor of pine resin. This unique combination gives the wine its signature pale amber color and a refreshing balance of citrus, herbs, and earthy pine notes. Known for its smooth texture and balanced acidity, Kechribari Retsina has received numerous awards for its exceptional quality.
Perfect for pairing with Mediterranean cuisine, especially seafood, grilled meats, and traditional Greek mezes like olives and fried fish, this wine enhances every dish with its fresh, crisp flavor. Best served chilled, Kechribari Retsina adds a touch of authenticity to any meal, offering a true taste of Greece.
- Made from 100% Roditis grapes
- Infused with pine resin for a unique taste
- Multi-award-winning Greek wine
- Ideal with Mediterranean dishes
- Refreshing, with balanced acidity
Additional information
Weight | 0,8 kg |