Rakomelo Amorgion 500ml
30,90 €
Weight | 0,8 kg |
Rakomelo Amorgion 500ml is a traditional Greek spirit made from a blend of rakí (distilled grape pomace) and high-quality thyme honey, infused with a unique mix of 8 herbs native to the island of Amorgos. With an alcohol content of 25%, this aromatic drink offers a smooth, warming experience, perfectly balancing the sweetness of honey with the earthy notes of herbs.
Enjoyed both hot and cold, Rakomelo Amorgion is a versatile spirit that has deep roots in Greek tradition. Its rich flavor makes it an ideal drink to enjoy after a meal or on a cool evening. Crafted with love and attention to detail, Amorgion Rakomelo is a symbol of Aegean culture and offers a taste of authentic Greek hospitality.
Why You’ll Love It:
- Made with rakí, thyme honey, and 8 aromatic herbs
- 25% alcohol content for a warming experience
- Ideal for drinking hot or cold
- Perfect for after meals or special occasions
- Reflects the rich heritage of the Aegean Islands